When you talk about Maths with people, most of us initially think about numbers, equations, measure and shapes. However, developing a more profound language within Maths is essential to talk about how we get to an answer or express the reason behind what is happening.
Maths is everywhere around us, and we can use so many parts of our daily routine to enable children to develop oracy within their understanding of all mathematical concepts. Oracy is defined as “the ability to express oneself fluently and grammatically in speech”. By supporting our children with their language skills in Maths, we are also building vital skills for reading and writing.
Thinking about our routines at Hiba Academy Hangzhou, you can see an opportunity for oracy in Maths everywhere.
Morning Meetings
During this time, mathematical language is beingused all the time. From discussions around the date, the day of the week, thetimetable for the day, how many children are sitting on the mat, how manychildren are absent, what the AQI is like…the opportunities are endless.
Outdoor Investigation
As we prepare for outdoor investigation, children notice that water bottles are still on the shelf, the perfect opportunity to discuss how many more children are still getting ready. Outside we can see different shapes. We can experiment with capacity. We can explore the bikes' speed and discuss the depth of a hole in the mud kitchen…the opportunities are endless.
Snack and Lunch Time
When the children are eating their snack and lunch, not only are they talking about the flavours on their plate but there are conversations about who is getting more food, how many vegetables we have, how full or empty our soup bowl is, how long we have to eat, how we can share the fruit equally, how much milk we are each having to drink…the opportunities are endless.
Indoor Investigation
This is when children can truly embed their mathematical knowledge, and this is when the children may not even realise they are using the language we have been learning and repeating through our songs and rhymes. At this time of the day, you can hear the children counting their animals in the role play, discussing the size and shape of their model, comparing who has the tallest tower, sharing toys equally…the opportunities are endless.
All the opportunities are not just for when the children are at Hiba Academy Hangzhou. You can support oracy in Maths through conversations at home. Some examples might be:
When you are cooking, talking about what ishappening first, second, third
When you are driving, spotting the numbers onthe number plates or the road signs
When you are getting ready to leave the house,discuss the time the clock says and the time you have to get ready
Early language development is key to success later in life, and by supporting oracy and early language development in Maths, our children can verbalise their reasons and explanations clearer.